Thursday, July 23, 2009

Obama calls doctors a bunch money grubbing parasites

I listened to the President's talk about healthcare July 22. The thing that I remember most is that he basically called doctors a bunch of money grubbing parasites that put money ahead of their patients needs. He said, “You come in and you've got a bad sore throat, or your child has a bad sore throat, or has repeated sore throats, the doctor may look at the reimbursement system and say to himself, you know what? I make a lot more money if I take this kid's tonsils out." He blames it on the system?? Nonsense and even if it was the system his plan will not change this, unless he is going to compensate the doctor the same regardless of whether the doctor does a tonsillectomy or gives him a throat lozenge. He must apologize to all doctors immediately!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Please rethink! Why does the doctor keep asking you to come back for another appointment when its something that can be done immediately? Its because she/he wants to generate more billing/co-pays. Doctors take a course in med school in the finances of a medical practice. There are many seminars offered to physcians every year on how to maximize billing.

    The practice of medicine in no longer the about the patient. Its about the money. Medicine today is run by "Big Business", period. Example: XYZ pharmecutical company recommending drugs for conditions they are not approved for by FDA. Some kids died because of this but the revenue is great! Doctors regularly receive "kick-backs" from pharmecutical and medical device companies.

    As a former medical professional I will tell you no apologies are due any doctors!
