Thursday, August 13, 2009

Hang Up and Govern

They say that driving while texting or using your cell phone is just as dangerous as drunk driving. So how much more dangerous is it to govern while using a cell phone? The driver only effects the lives of the people in their car and the people on the road around them but elected officials effect the lives of everyone in our nation for generations.

At her town hall meeting Rep Sheila Jackson Lee took a cell phone call while Tracy Miller, a cancer survivor, was asking her a question. Still think the shouting at these meetings is unwarranted? Latter Representative Lee explained that she was calling into a health care help desk to get an answer to another constituent’s question. The problem with that explanation is that according to Miller, she was the second person to ask a question. Apparently Rep Lee was stumped after the first question! The phone call in reality again according to Miller was more than likely from Lee’s staff letting her know what VIPs were attending so she could acknowledge them.

Also on the town hall front and also in Texas Rep Green is seeking legislation to require town hall attendees show photo ID before being allowed into the meeting. The purpose of the ID is to insure that the attendee is from the Members’ district. The problem with Rep Green’s position is that he voted and campaigned against a requirement for voters to show an ID before voting. Rep Green must believe that town hall “fraud” is far more dangerous than voter fraud. Or perhaps he was just distracted by his cell phone.

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